(The) African Folklore Restoration Initiative

Please, tell us that story again….

What is the African Folklore Restoration Initiative?

(The) African Folklore Restoration Initiative (AFRI) is a Mythological Africans project which aims to review and update 19th and 20th century folkloric texts from the continent.

Too often, the available primary source texts for African folklore were written by European missionaries, anthropologists, ethnographers, folklorists, explorers or colonial administrators who, despite their best efforts, encoded their prejudices, biases and misunderstandings in the beloved stories which have shaped our communities for generations.

Through AFRI, we hope to review and update folktales so they reflect the actual beliefs and intentions of the different African people from whom they come.

Each AFRI fellow will be provided with a grant of up to $300 to review and update or rewrite 2-3 folktales which will be published in an anthology.

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(Click image for credit)

Who is eligible for an AFRI grant?

We want to highlight the work of unpublished African elders. Eligible AFRI fellows must meet the following criteria:

  • Aged 55 or over.

  • Of African origin. Fellows who live on the continent will be prioritized.

  • Unpublished. Self-published works DO NOT count as publications in this case.

  • Own or have access to a mobile phone with WhatsApp.

  • Able to submit samples of their work with their application.